Delivery & Shipping
All orders are shipped from one of two studios in the UK.
IRISWOLFE.COM Ships Orders To:
UK - Scotland England Wales Ireland
EU - France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands, Sweden, Hungary, Switzerland, Portugal, Denmark, Greece, Monaco, Finland, Poland, Austria
Asia - China, Japan, South Korea
Canada, USA & Australia
Duties, Taxes & Customs
Duties, taxes and customs are not included on's international orders. Once you place an order you agree to take full responsibility for the fees incurred. Please refer to your country's individual regulations for specific and accurate, up-to-date information.
(Fulfilment + Delivery) = Estimated Times
UK - 4-7 days
EU - 7-13 days
Asia - 7-14 days
Canada - 7-14 days
USA - 7-14 days
Australia - 7-14 days
*please note the information provided regarding delivery times are a guide and we will do everything in our effort to keep to them.
*please note that due to COVID-19 our couriers are experiencing delays and this should be considered when estimating your current delivery times.
Shipping Courier
All orders are shipped via Royal Mail.
Tracking Code & E-Receipt
In efforts towards practicing from an environmentally conscious stance, we have made the decision to include as little paper in your orders as possible. For this reason, all orders will maintain an e-receipt and email confirmation, we ask you kindly keep these safe as part of your records. Such information has been made visible on the receipts themselves.
Each order will receive a tracking code approx. 2 days after each order has been fulfilled, please allow 24-48hrs for the code to be activated.